York Women's Wellness Centre
Women's Services
Key Information
The Women's Centre is an inclusive and supportive service that provides holistic, trauma-informed pathways for women. Many women using the centre have experiences of complex trauma, criminal justice involvement and feel chronically excluded.
The Women’s Centre is a place where women can gather to seek support, develop peer networks and enjoy time in a safe, non-judgemental, women-only space. The recently refurbished centre comprises kitchen and laundry facilities, shower and a peaceful garden in a discreet location in York
We offer
- One to One support
- Group work
- Drop In
- Sex Worker Only Peer Support
- Needle Exchange
- Sexual Exploitation Outreach
- Online Harms and Tech Abuse support
In addition, the Women’s Centre hosts several partners who offer support including:
- Sexual Health Support
- GP Clinic
- Domestic Abuse Services
- York Drug and Alcohol
How to access
Women can be referred by professionals or self-refer by contacting the team on 01904 526259 or attending one of our direct access drop-ins on Monday morning or Thursday afternoon.
How to contact
Please get in touch using the contact details below.

Call us
01904 526 259
Not eligible for this service?
Check out our service index below to find all of the services we currently offer which you can filter by location, service type and also by type of referral. Click "I am referring myself, a friend or a family member" to find services you can personally refer to.
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