Making Every Adult Matt...

Making Every Adult Matter (MEAM)

Housing and Homelessness

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Introduction to Service

York's Making Every Adult Matter (MEAM) team provides intensive support and multi-agency coordination to a caseload of multiply excluded adults with challenging circumstances. They often have a history of poor engagement or exclusion from local services. We aim to break down these barriers to ensure they are receiving support appropriate to their individual needs.

We work closely with partner agencies at an operational level to develop multi-agency care plans as our people experience several problems at the same time such as homelessness, offending, substance misuse, mental ill health, family breakdown and social isolation.

Key Information

We offer:

  • One-to-one intensive support
  • Street outreach
  • Housing First in partnership with the City of York Council
  • Ongoing support throughout the criminal justice system and prison
  • Client-led, multi-agency meetings to develop appropriate care planning and support
  • Indefinite support for as long as is required

How to access

You can be referred to Changing Lives’ accommodation services via the Single Access Point at City of York Council.

Contact City of York Council to fill in a referral form or download the form online at E: T: 01904 553 844.

How to contact

Please get in touch using the contact details below.

Call us

01904 630 500

Are you eligible?

People aged 18+ across York.

Not eligible for this service?

Check out our service index below to find all of the services we currently offer which you can filter by location, service type and also by type of referral. Click "I am referring myself, a friend or a family member" to find services you can personally refer to.

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