What our York teams and vol...

What our York teams and volunteers have been up to in 2023…

August 2023

2 Min Read

Service Manager James Ford talks about what our staff and volunteers have been working on in the past few months in across our York services.

Across our York services, lots of new projects and events have been going on, so we're sharing a round-up of some of our best bits of 2023 so far!


We have been running various activities and skills sessions, which have been really well received by the people we support.

These activities have been craft clubs, cooking classes, yoga, and wellbeing sessions. The volunteers have enjoyed leading these sessions and the people that have attended the sessions have enjoyed them as we are seeing regular faces attend these sessions.

Our creative sessions are being held in the CVS building in York where we have a room and we deliver a creative arts group - On The Out - in partnership with York St John's University. See below for some of the crafts and creations, including self portraits and origami...

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We've been in talks with St Giles about the provision of a Tier 2 aftercare telephone service which will be facilitated by our wonderful volunteers to explore all the options we have available to support people who need it.


In May, we helped to host the Second recovery BBQ alongside York in Recovery and it was very successful, we had over 85 attendees, we had live entertainment, food, and a good time. We raised £294 from the bake sale to go towards the Dragon Boat race we did with York in recovery in July.

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We also co-manned a stand at York Pride alongside York in Recovery (check us out below). We gave out lots of useful information regarding recovery, had lots of productive conversations - and had a great time doing it!

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In June, we held an Annual Volunteer Celebration in Blossom Street Garden with North Yorkshire Horizons to celebrate the volunteers and to say a big thank you for all their dedication to helping people facing various challenging circumstances.

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Our Oaktrees family have also created a wonderful display at York hospital, based around the affirmations they have found most helpful to their recovery!

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It's safe to say our York staff and volunteers have been super busy doing what they do best! We've also welcomed a number of new volunteers over the past few months - one of our newest shared their experience so far:

“I am a new volunteer with Changing Lives and have been made to feel valued. All staff and other volunteers are very helpful and are always pleased to see me. I have been given the opportunity to use my skills and experience to make an important difference to some of the men living in the hostel at Union Terrace. The men that attend the weekly creative sessions are wonderful, entertaining and engaging. It is a pleasure to be part of their well-being. I hope to become more involved with the charity and am keeping an eye out for further opportunities. It is great that I am able to enrich peoples’ lives as well as my own.”
One of our newest volunteers shared their experience so far of getting involved at Union Terrace

 If you want to find out more about our services in York, learn more here, and follow our Changing Lives York Facebook page for the most recent updates from the team in York.